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Ghost Hunter

About      Stanley Hotel     Events      Media      Vlogs      Contact

In the late summer of 2010, I visited the Stanley Hotel with my good friend Chris McCune from Ghost Hunters Academy and our girlfriends. There, I made friends with the resident ghost hunter at the time, Callea. I made it habit to visit the public ghost hunts as often as I could, helping lead the groups of fifteen. In January of 2011, I was hired on as a consultant and we brought the ghost hunts up to 30 people, splitting them into two investigative groups. 


In March of 2016, the hotel decided to cease as many associations with the paranormal as possible, save their night ghost tours. We never got a reason for this, other than public statements that they needed to "cater to all of their guests equally" and my own knowledge of the upper managements' perspectives on the paranormal as tacky.


Some of the evidence I gathered in my first year or two at the hotel can be found on my YouTube page, under the "Evidence Vlogs" heading. Since then, I've generally stopped recording for evidence. I've fallen out of video and photo recording, the more I've learned about the process and the difficulties in documenting the environment as non-intrusively as possible. Audio remains difficult, in that groups of fifteen provide enough contamination to be a challenge later in objective, compelling recordings. 

In the fall of 2015, our Spirit Investigations team began recording a series of vlogs about the interaction we were getting week to week as well as any audio clips that we found compelling. 

By January of 2016, the vlogs had expanded into a full-blown webseries called Spirits of the Stanley that we premiered on our Facebook page in March of that same year, later appearing exclusively on The Dark Zone paranormal network in November of 2016, as originally intended. The episodes chronicled our work into our research as to whether any of our usual spirits were still there, who some of the recent new faces may be, and a mind-blowing new experiment that utilizes the controversial SB7 Spirit Box device.

You can view the complete web series at The Dark Zone.

If you're interested in reading about some of my interactions with the stranger, more inhuman presences at and around the Stanley Hotel, a chapter of my latest book, Into a Sky Below, Forever deals specifically with those goings-on. 

The Spirit Investigations Team continues to pursue a number of VERY exciting projects, but unfortunately, nothing that can be talked about yet! Stay tuned to our social media for updates as we sprint toward the end of 2016.

If you're interested in following the Investigations team, you can do so on Facebook

All Photographs and Content © 2016 by KARL PFEIFFER

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